Sunday 27 March 2016

My second Q&A???

The following question is posted by Max Tan, who actually posted this in Aug 2015. I never bothered checking for comments back then 'cos I thought I was just talking to myself most of the time. 

"Hi, freshman here. Was wondering why you decided to major in global studies and what are the job prospects of it?"

My reply
"Hello Max, 

I decided to major in Global Studies because I always envisioned to become a "global citizen", as in at the very least, someone who knows enough about this world to relate to who reside in it. I know I'm sounding dumb but it was just natural to me back then. But of course when I compared the curriculum with the other majors offered at various local unis, GL had the flexibility and exposure that I wanted so I actually chose to enter NUS solely because of GL even though it was only in its 3rd year of enrollment. 

In terms of job prospects, the first batch of GL students just graduated last year and I don't actually know any of them. But I would say Global Studies/ Global Affairs/ International Studies (some argue that they are not the same but come on, how many companies know that) are rather popular majors overseas. Not so much in Singapore. Nevertheless, I have heard of people becoming global/regional analysts at companies. And I would say at least 80% of GL students aim to work with international organisations like UN, Oxfam or international NPO/NGOs. 

Having taken all level 1000-2000 mods myself, I would say the core modules provide just the tip of an iceberg (I don't think you can ever learn enough about the world; even at phd level they only focus on a specific area), and ultimately, what you get out of GL is also largely defined by your theme/ region. Don't expect to be able to say you're a master on worldview after undergrad.

Interested to find out what you ended up selecting as major actually!"

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